Ludovico Centis is an architect, founder of office The Empire studio co-founder and editor of San Rocco magazine. He has been a partner at the architectural office Salottobuono from 2007 to 2012. Centis holds a PhD in urbanism (Università Iuav di Venezia) and is currently assistant professor in urbanism at the University of Trieste. His research focuses on the ways in which individuals and institutions, as well as desires and power, shape cities and landscapes. Centis has published numerous essays and scientific articles in Italian and international journals, including Domus, Town Planning Review, Landscape Journal, Log, OASE, San Rocco, Topos, Arch+, AA Files, Harvard Design Magazine. Recent monographs and edited volumes include Reyner Banham: A set of actual tracks (2024), The Lake of Venice. A scenario for Venice and its lagoon (2022, with Lorenzo Fabian) and A parallel of ruins and landscapes (2019).