Urbanie & Urbanus

Above the city: A Comprehensive Framework for Low- Altitude Economic development in Hong Kong

Shivam Pandey

Master of science in urban design, The University of Hong Kong

and  Barry D Wilson

President HKIUD
Adjunct Assistant Professor - University of Hong Kong
Panel of Arbitrators - SCIA(HK) . SCIA . HIAC



Figure 1. Project Methodology.

Figure 2. Vision for Drone Delivery Process in Hong Kong.

Figure 3. Utilization of SUAs in Hong Kong.

Figure 4. Insights and Opinions: A Multi-Perspective Analysis.

Figure 5. Available Infrastructure for Operations.

Figure 6. Analytical assessment for SUA operations at Hong Kong Island.

Figure 7. Viability Assessment for SUA operations.

Figure 8. Framework Development for LAE Regulations.

Figure 9. Urban Airspace Classification Model.

Figure 10. Overview of Designated Drone Activity Zones.

Figure 11. Navigation Framework for Safe Drone Operations.

Figure 12. Pilot project at Hong Kong island.

Figure 13. Ground Infrastructure Components for Proposed Pilot Project.

Figure 14. Victoria Harbour Music Pod.

Figure 15. OTP Pod at Central.

Figure 16. First Aid Pod at Shek O Village.