Urbanie & Urbanus
Issue 2024 Aug
Contemporary urban design thinking
Issue 10, P. - P.
Mushroom Burial: Exploring the Relationship between Burial Spaces as Public Spaces and Urban Environments in Hong Kong
- ALLISON, A. 2021. Automated graves: The precarity and prosthetics of caring for the dead in Japan. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 24, 622-636.
CANNING, L. & SZMIGIN, I. 2010. Death and disposal: The universal, environmental dilemma. Journal of Marketing Management, 26, 1129-1142.
CHAN, Y. W. 2019. Return to nature? Secularism and politics of death space in Hong Kong. Death across cultures: Death and dying in non-western cultures, 57-74.
CHOI, H. S. & BRUYNS, G. 2022. The Urbanism of Metabolism by Raffaele Pernice. Urbanie & Urbanus, 7, 189-190.
CRISANTO-PERRAZO, T., GUAYASAMíN-VERGARA, J., MAYORGA-LLERENA, E., SINDE-GONZALEZ, I., VIZUETE-FREIRE, D., TOULKERIDIS, T., FLORES GOMEZ, G. & FIERRO-NARANJO, G. 2022. Determination of empirical environmental indices for thelocation of cemeteries—An innovative proposal for worldwide use. Sustainability, 14, 6284.
DENG, H. & LI, M. 2023. The morphological evolution of Chinese urban cemeteries from the perspective of fringe belt: A case study of Nanjing. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 12, 1065-1079.
DŁUGOZIMA, A. 2022. How to find a suitable location for a cemetery? Application of multicriteria evaluation for identifying potential sites for cemeteries in Białystok, Poland. Moravian Geographical Reports, 30, 34-53.
FRANCO, D. S., GEORGIN, J., CAMPO, L. A. V., MAYORAL, M. A., GOENAGA, J. O., FRUTO, C. M., NECKEL, A., OLIVEIRA, M. L. & RAMOS, C. G. 2022. The environmental pollution caused by cemeteries and cremations: A review. Chemosphere, 307, 136025.
GRABALOV, P. & NORDH, H. 2022. The future of urban cemeteries as public spaces: Insights from Oslo and Copenhagen. Planning Theory & Practice, 23, 81-98.
HUI, Y.-F. 2012. Debating Bukit Brown: Bringing a cemetery to life in Singapore. The Newsletter, 62, 44.
KIM, M. H. & KIM, G. 2017. Analysis of environmental impacts of burial sites. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 19, 432-442.
MEHAFFY, M. W., HAAS, T. & ELMLUND, P. 2019. Public space in the New Urban Agenda: Research into implementation. Urban Planning, 4, 134-137.
MITCHELL, D. 2017. People’s Park again: on the end and ends of public space. Environment and planning A: economy and space, 49, 503-518.
NECKEL, A., KORCELSKI, C., KUJAWA, H. A., DA SILVA, I. S., PREZOTO, F., AMORIN, A. L. W., MACULAN, L. S., GONCALVES, A. C., BODAH, E. T. & BODAH, B. W. 2021. Hazardous elements in the soil of urban cemeteries; constructive solutions aimed at sustainability. Chemosphere, 262, 128248.
O’KEEFFE, J. 2023. Alternative disposition services: Green burial, alkaline hydrolysis and human composting. Vancouver, BC: National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health, 2023-04.
TEATHER, E. K. 1998. Themes from complex landscapes: Chinese cemeteries and columbaria in urban Hong Kong. Australian Geographical Studies, 36, 21-36.
WILSON, M. 2022. And What About the Rest of the Big, Wide World? Corpse Decomposition and the Environment. Life After Death: What Happens to Your Body After You Die? : Springer.
ZHANG, X. & HE, Y. 2020. What makes public space public? The chaos of public space definitions and a new epistemological approach. Administration & Society, 52, 749-770.